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'Change the Name Now' Plans Street Meeting Against 'Redskins' Name

News Alert: 'Change the Name Now' Plans Street Meeting Against Redskins Name
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A Washington, D.C. based organization will hold a “street meeting” urging the Washington NFL team to change their name.

Following yesterday’s historic vote by the D.C. Council calling on the Washington NFL team to change its name, Change the Name Now, a group of organizers and activists building a local campaign to change the name of the Washington Redskins, plan to speak out publicly against the name.

RELATED D.C. Council Votes Unanimously to Change the Name 'Redskins' 

Change the Name Now will continue to build the local movement for change that the Oneida Indian Nation’s “Change the Mascot” campaign has led nationally.

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This street meeting will be held on Saturday, November 9th, in Adams Morgan, at the busy intersection of 18th and Columbia.

A banner will be held, and speakers will use amplified sound to address the community while volunteers distribute literature and gather petition signatures.

For more information, contact Jon Miller at