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NIGC Rules Against Kialegee's Controversial Red Clay Casino

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The National Indian Gaming Commission has ruled the Kialegee Tribal Town does not have the right to proceed with their planned Red Clay Casino on a privately owned Indian allotment in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, reported

The commission determined the plot of land does not belong to them, U.S. Rep. John Sullivan said in a press release. The parcel is allotted to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. While the Kialegee is a branch of the tribe, it has been argued that gaming cannot occur on Indian land that does not belong to the exercising tribe.

"I direct the Kialegee Tribal Town not to commence gaming under IGRA on the proposed site, whether the operation is tribally or individually owned," NIGC chairwoman Tracie Stevens wrote in a letter to Kialegee Chief Tiger Hobia. The solicitor general at the Bureau of Indian Affairs agreed with the decision, she said.

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