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President Shelly Joins Shiprock in Handing Out Food Donations

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On July 31, Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly was in Shiprock, New Mexico in support of the community handing out donated food with Mercury One’s Restoring the Love through Food Service according to a Navajo Nation press release.

“I have and will continue to support projects that provide food to our people. I am proud that Shiprock is apart of the selected cities to receive donations of food.” Shelly said in the release.

The New Mexico city according to the most recent census information has a population of 8,156 with an employment rate of 50.6 percent, well below the national average of 63.9 percent. About 38.3 percent of individuals are living below the poverty rate.

A tractor-trailer of food was disbursed throughout Shiprock, selected as one of 12 cities selected by Mercury One, a charity launched by Glenn Beck, according to the release. Other cities included New York, Detroit, Orlando, Atlanta, Dallas, and New Orleans.

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Beck’s organization focus is to inspire, mobilize and organize individuals; restoration, faith and entrepreneurship. The food that was raised through donations to Mercury One’s website and walk up donations was delivered by Operation Blessing.

“Conditions on the Navajo Nation can sometimes be tough. We come from a strong culture and strong people but sometimes, we need help. I am proud to stand here today and say thank you to Mercury One for donating food,” Shelly stated.

“We are thankful our Navajo Nation President is with us today. He is a big supporter of feeding the people and taking care of the Navajo people.” Pastor Robert Tso of Victory Life Church, sponsor of the event, said to a crowd of more than 200 people in line to receive food.

“We talk about unity and this is unity at its best. Coming together to serve and feed people.” Shelly stated.