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News Release

Anishinaabek Caucus of Michigan

The Anishinaabek Caucus of Michigan alerts the media and the public of misleading representation of tribal positions concerning Line-5. Enbridge recently posted a video implying that the 12 federally recognized tribes of Michigan are open to "starting the journey and the possibility of reconciliation" concerning Line-5 via traditional peacemaking. This is false.

The video was created by 7th Legacy LLC, and thus does not have any authority to speak on behalf of any tribe. The video conveys a false narrative of cultural “peacemaking” traditions” and it was not endorsed by the Michigan tribes. Neither, to our knowledge, have the respective Tribal leaders been consulted.

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Decisions of tribal bodies are not made by a single leader nor by any single member of a tribe. Rather, decisions are the result of a process of consensus and formal legislative enactment. The consensus of Michigan’s tribes around the continued harm and threat brought by Enbridge’s Line 5 remains the same. Most, if not all tribes in Michigan have passed resolutions to shut down Line 5, and the United Tribes of Michigan have voted on a resolution to support the shut down of Line 5.

According to Aaron Payment, PhD, Chairperson of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians and President of the United Tribes of Michigan, “Misuse of our cultural concepts is cultural appropriation and is patently offensive. Enbridge is hereby instructed to stop!”

Anishinaabek Caucus of MDP is a political caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party advocating for the issues and concerns of the 12 Tribes in Michigan.

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