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News Release


Native Vote - IllumiNative

It's Election Day!

Today we must use the power of our dual citizenship and vote in U.S. elections. Voting helps ensure our voices are heard in important policy decisions and in the appointment of judges and heads of agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency. We must not let decision-makers in Washington, DC take the power from our communities.

This critical moment in history has called us to respond with love for our Mother Earth, our ancestors, and future generations to help reshape the country and create a more just and equitable world for our communities.

Let us know you voted!

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I Voted - Native Vote _ IllumiNative

If you encounter any problems at the polls you can call 866-OUR-VOTE to speak with a lawyer. If you identify yourself as Native American or from a Native Nation when you call, they will directly connect you to attorneys at the Native American Rights Fund. State-specific voter action toolkits (AZ, MI, MN, MT, NV, WI) are here

Special thanks to our heroes on the frontlines who have worked so hard to help first-time Native voters register and vote early in this historic election.

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WATCH ELECTION NIGHT WITH INDIAN COUNTRY TODAY. Our live news broadcast starts at 8 p.m. Mountain Standard at on November 3. #NativeVote20 #NativeElectionNight